AVERAGE Excel Errors, IPP Models, Leading zeros gone, Left align not working, Positive/ negative numbers, April Excel Course

Don’t forget to tell all your friends about the free Financial Calculations in Excel course released last week.

Please also subscribe to our YouTube channel. We are releasing 1 new tip or trick every weekday. What better way to quickly learn in bite size chunks?

Please forward this mail to anyone who you think struggles with MS Excel.

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Learn what Excel is good at

Below some of our latest Excel tips and tricks.

YouTube Training

We have released the following training onto our YouTube channel. These include downloads of the exercise file so that you can practice.

Please watch, like, subscribe (and click the bell):

Solving for Excel’s weak points

MS Excel is brilliant, but there are 2 things that you may need which Excel CANNOT do very well.

For these there is a little help:

Contact Us

If you need any:

  • MS Excel Training (all levels), or
  • Spreadsheet Consulting assistance by MS Excel experts

feel free to contact us.

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If you want to be informed immediately of any new tip, trick or video clip please follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.

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