Excel Aptitude Test

Excel Aptitude Test for Targeted Training

Excel skills assessment comparison of the average visitor to Microsoft Excel skill levels 1,2 and 3

We offer an Excel aptitude test to help you determine the level of expertise of an employee or employees .The Excel aptitude test will help you to save money by sending the right persons for relevant Excel training for the areas within which they will work.

You will also be able to determine the skills levels of employees in your company and compare that with other companies in the same industry.

Our Excel aptitude will allow you test:

  • Basic knowledge of the fundamentals of Excel
  • Ability to use the various tools in Excel
  • Knowledge of the various functions in Excel
  • Problem solving skills
Go to the free Excel Aptitude Test page

We provide you with a report indicating the level of expertise as expected from a beginner, intermediate, and advanced user respectively. We can also benchmark the user skills with other employees within your company and in comparison with employees on the same level in other companies through usage of our database.

By letting your employees take the test you will be able to identify key areas where training will be required. Research indicates that targeted, rather than general training improves the ability of users to apply their knowledge. Instead of learning modules that they have already mastered, and thus not only waste time and money, but also invest unnecessary resources in training will not benefit your company. Ensuring that the employees working with specific functions get the required training to ensure that they are up to industry standard, will be money well-spent.

Contact us today for more information on the Excel aptitude test to help you plan training better.

Want to learn more about Microsoft Excel? If you prefer attending a course and live in South Africa look at the Johannesburg MS Excel 3 Day Advanced Course  or the Cape Town MS Excel 3 Day Advanced training course. If you prefer online learning or live outside South Africa, look at our online MS Excel training courses.