In this day and age, creating a financial budget for oneself is of extreme importance. This is due to the fact that prices keep rising annually as the result of inflation; making the cost of living almost unmanageable.
It is unfortunate to note that the result of many people going bankrupt is due to the reason that they were not taught from a young age how to appropriately work with their money, draw up a budget, and save. Today one has got to be very careful with how you use your money and what you spend it on, and yet the majority of society fails to do this.
Even though drawing up a functionally reliable budget requires a bit of expertise to do this accurately, it is rather a simple thing to do if it is is done properly from the start and then updated at later stages when needed. Today there is no excuse for not drawing up a financial budget as experts provide these services to people who feel initially overwhelmed by this whole process and require assistance. In the past years there have also been great computer programs and software designed in the form of in-house experts providing in assistance in the creation of a budget, performing automatic accurate calculations and taking one through the entire process of drawing up a budget step by step. One of the most popular of these is Excel.
As computer software of high note and good recommendations, Excel has become one of the most popularly used computer experts for aid in drawing up a budget. Calculating one’s financial budget is made easy with Excel. This is because this computer software implements a number of formulas which can accurately calculate amounts and finalise a budget. Excel is used worldwide and has helped many to stay financially afloat by teaching users how to create a budget and in turn work well with their capital.
Want to learn more about Microsoft Excel? If you prefer attending a course and live in South Africa look at the Johannesburg MS Excel 3 Day Advanced Course or the Cape Town MS Excel 3 Day Advanced training course. If you prefer online learning or live outside South Africa, look at our online MS Excel training courses.
Create A Budget Using Excel
Creating a financial budget using Excel requires a user to at least have some basic knowledge in the tools, features and functions, and most importantly the formulas for making accurate calculations, of this remarkable software. For this reason, training in use of Excel for creating a budget is in high demand among those who specifically looking to make use of Excel for its outstanding financial tools and capabilities for automatically calculating and finalising amounts and in turn one’s budget. As such the objectives of working out a budget when using Excel can be listed as follows:
- Open and existing file and rename it
- Substitute the amounts in the original files, adding decimals
- Change the decimal options
- Enter formulas to automatically add totals
- Extend the formulas
- Enter Average formulas and extend them
- Add a new row with new information Complete a reading challenge
- Create a pie chart with your information
- Create your own budget for four months, adding average and totals formulas, and a pie chart
These are just a few of the basic functions which enable one to create financial budgets of worth and esteemed reliability with Excel. With the budget creation capabilities of Excel, you will never be in debt again as the budgets you can create with Excel and its formulas will be accurately calculated by the software, and hence be reliable.
Working with Formulas in Excel
In Excel, formulas are used to make accurate mathematical calculations every time. What is great about Excel is that it allows you to copy a formula in one cell to another cell that need a similar formula. This can really save you a lot of time when building a complex spread sheet consisting of multiple columns or rows needing similar formulas. Excel enables this by automatically rewriting the cell references so they refer to the correct cells. In Excel, view a cell formula by activating the cell and looking in the formula bar near the top of the window.
Basics to know Regarding Excel Formulas
A formula consists of any of the four elements:
- Mathematical operators
- Call references (including named cells and ranges)
- Values or text
- Spread sheet functions for example Sum or Average
It is important to remember that a formula in Excel always starts with an equals sign. This is so that Excel can distinguish it from the text. When entering a formula into your spread sheet it can be down in two ways namely:
- Manually – by simply typing the formula in starting with an equal sign
- By pointing – type an equal sign, click on the cell, type in the operator, and click on the next cell
To be granted, Excel is the way to go when looking to draw up a budget that you can truly rely on. Excel and its use of formulas allows for the creation of a budget that is of notable worth and will keep one out of financial danger. So, do not let yourself make the mistake of not drawing up a financial budget because it seems to timely and intricate. Excel can assist you in making a financial budget that a pro will be proud of.