Financial Month End Optimisation, Import filenames into Excel, International Packing codes in Excel, Excel Level 3, June Excel Courses

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Financial Month Ends and FP&A Optimisation

If you are in finance you know the joys of month ends. In several recent assignments we have seen some of the time draining problems. You already have the correct software (no new licence fees required), and your people are good and know what they are doing. They just need some help in eliminating the mind numbing (automatable) work so they can focus on their true jobs- analysing the result.

MS Excel Training

Upcoming Excel courses (face2face, virtual and online)

Download our latest Excel skills assessment brochure and forward to your HR manager.

MS Excel Tips, Tricks

Solving for MS Excel’s weak points

MS Excel is brilliant, but there are 2 things that you may need which Excel CANNOT do very well.

For these there is a little help:

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If you need any:

  • MS Excel Training (all levels), or
  • Spreadsheet Consulting assistance by MS Excel experts

feel free to contact us.