MS Excel Cape Town | Compare 3 Cells | Add ✓ and ✗ to cells | Remove Conditional Format

MS Excel Intermediate training courseIn this issue:

MS Excel Advanced training courseMS Excel Tips and Tricks


Upcoming Live MS Excel Courses

 Excel Fundamentals for beginners– 1 day


Advanced Excel course– 2 or 3 days


Excel Budgets and Forecasts– 2 Days

  • 19-20 July 2018- JHB
  • 16-17 Aug 2018- JHB


Corporate Financial Modeling (Adv Excel + Fin Modeling)– 5 Days

  • 16-20 July 2018- JHB
  • 13-17 Aug 2018- JHB


 On Site MS Excel courses

  • Whenever it is convenient for you.
  • Over suitable time periods (e.g. half days)
  • Customised to suit your requirements based on what YOU do with Excel
  • Ask about out discounts for multi day use
  • Reply to this email for more details

Email us if you need more details or visit the calendar page

Online MS Excel Training

Our current list of online courses.

Skill Based Excel Courses

Needs based Excel Courses

Tool based


How to use the online MS Excel courses

Instructions on how to use the new online Excel training courses. We will be launching more modules of the live courses over the next few months.

How to use the online course …


Keep up to date

If you want to get these tips and tricks as soon as they come out link to us via social media.

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