Virtual MS Excel Training options, Week 8 lessons-Conditional Formatting

Your Personal MS Excel Skills Report (an example report- complete it to get your personal report)

Getting back into work?

Check what has happened to your Excel skills. Update the Excel Skill level shown above by completing the MS Excel Skills Assessment

Virtual MS Excel Training

Virtual MS Excel TrainingWe have online training.

We have live training.

They are now combined for a virtual, lockdown safe solution.

Learn from a safe distance, but be able to check in and get help from the experts.

The 2 main options are:

Please forward this to your training department and contact us for more information (email request for more info )

Live MS Excel Courses

We are hopeful by June to be able to go back to live training or something similar. So below some details.


Virtual MS Excel Consulting

Now, more than ever, you need to work smarter but without massive outlays on software. MS Excel is the solution.

See some of the work we have done

Get 2 minute video clips once per week

Released this week- follow all to keep yourself informed

  • Facebook– Excel show plus or minus sign
  • Twitter– Shift cells up if blank in Excel
  • Instagram– Overflow error in PowerQuery
  • LinkedIn– VLOOKUP not finding a value that is there
  • YouTube– Know the answer but want the input

Learn (more) Excel in 2 minutes per week

Get your own copy of the Online Intermediate Course

We have heard the presidents request and matched his initiative.

If you want to progress quicker or have these videos available to you forever, please consider buying the course (see the Intermediate course).

Too easy? Look at the Advanced course.

Online Intermediate Course- Week 8 lessons

The lessons will only be available for the next 7 days. The week after, new lessons will be opened and these lessons will be closed so you need to keep up. If you want your friends to also be able to access this, forward this email (see above)

Once you have learnt these tricks, make sure you use them for the rest of the week. It is the best way to cement your knowledge before you learn more.

Reminder if you need to keep the kids busy (while you are learning), we have the tools to create your own treasure hunts for them. Look at the Treasure Hunt Page

How to use

  • Download the Excel file via the link below (note this is the only place you can get the Excel file)
  • Click on each lesson below and read/ watch while you look at the matching sheet in the spreadsheet (recommend using 2 screens or watch on your phone while you work on your computer)
  • Do the exercises where relevant. Make sure you check the solution to make sure you got it right or to understand where you got it wrong.
  • NOTE: in the full course each lesson has an MCQ at the end, but this is not available in this series.
  • You can get full access to the course the normal way.

Download the Excel file (see below) and if you go to the Intermediate course page, you will see the lessons that are open (they say preview) or else use the links below.

MS Excel Intermediate Online Course- Week 8

Next week we will start with using formulas in Excel spreadsheets!

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