AE Newsletter: Sum only visible cells, put m2 into a cell, changing away from R1C1 format

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In this update:

Summing only the visible cells with a new Excel function

How to sum, average, count and more based on the visible cells, cells with no errors and more using a new Excel function called AGGREGATE Read more

How to put m2 into an Excel cell

How to make the metre squared symbol with the raised 2 appear in an Excel cell.    Read more

South African Tax Calculator for 2016/ 2017

As soon as Pravin Gordhan announces the budget on 24 February we will upload the South African Tax Calculator for 2016/ 2017.      Read more

Updated Excel Skills Assessment Reports

We have updated the reports we provide for your skills assessments. You can now not only see the overall score, but also your score per area and compare them to typical scores. If you already have a skills score (if you have a number next to your name above) then simply reply and we will send you the updated report.

If you don’t have a skills score, now is the time to find out what you don’t know and do something about it. Read More

Change Excel Columns back from R1C1 format (when the columns have numbers instead of letters)

Every now and then you come across a spreadsheet that seems to have changed the columns to be show as numbers instead of letters. Read More about how to fix this, and why it happens.

How to use the online courses

Instructions on how to use the new online Excel training course. We will be launching modules of the live courses over the next few months. Read More

Online Course Available

Below the online courses we currently offer. Use these to top up your CPD points!

If you want to get these tips and tricks as soon as they come out link to us via social media.

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Upcoming Excel Courses

  •  In House courses
    • Whenever it is convenient for you.
    • Over suitable time periods (e.g. half days)
    • Customised to suit your requirements based on what YOU do with Excel
    • Reply to this email for more details

Email us if you need more details or visit the calendar page