Bridging Excel Course between school, university and work

If you, or someone you know, is in the inbetween stage between, school and university, or university and work, or school and work, it is a good time to look at preparing for these new stages in your life and a bridging Excel course will be an invaluable tool.

Why MS Excel as a bridging course to university/ college

MS Excel is universally used in all areas of life.

At university or college, if you are working with numbers, then Excel will become your staple. Even if you are working on complex calculators or fancy software, when you hit the business world you will revert back to MS Excel. This meme is more true than you think!

Bridging Excel Course

Even if you are not, in theory, working with numbers e.g. a doctor, you still need to know Excel for your thesis and any research you are doing.

Preparing for work life with MS Excel

If you are not sure how important Excel is in the work place, ask your working friends and family. Ask them if they would love to be able to work smarter in Excel.

Business is Excel, Excel is business.

You will need to know Excel. You can get ahead of the competition by doing an Excel short course in preparation for new work opportunities.

MS Excel Online Courses

Bridging Excel Course

Our online courses are all practical and based on real life consulting jobs we perform. As such they are the ideal bridging Excel course.

The benefit of the online courses are:

  • you can find exactly the right course for you (look at our free Excel Skills Assessment– it will tell you which course is best for you).
  • you can do it at any time, even when no one else is open.
  • you can start/ stop, jump ahead, go back on the material.
  • you can revisit any of the material at any time. So when you start your job and now need to use a Pivot Table, just revise what you already learnt.

Which Online Excel Course to do

Below some suggestions. To try them out have a look at the Free Online Excel Courses we offer.

Beginners to Excel

If you are straight out of school, and while at school you didn’t do any Excel, then look at the Beginner Course first. There are some fundamentals that you need to grasp.

Have done some Excel

Bridging Excel Courses

If however you did some Excel at school, then rather start with the Intermediate course. The key aspects from the beginner course are covered in the intermediate course but it leaves out things like formatting the cells and entering numbers, text, formulas in cells. This is where most of the world is with regard their Excel skills.

If you really want to be ahead, do the Intermediate and Advanced Online courses. You may not finish it all in time, but remember you have lifetime access so you can go back and learn the key tools on a just in time basis!

Contact us about Bridging Excel Courses

If you are looking for the perfect bridging Excel course for yourself or someone else, send us an email for more information.