Copy the file paths for folders or files to use in Power Query

When using Power Query, it is often a requirement to specify the path to a file or a folder. Below some quick ways to copy the file paths for folders or files depending on your version of windows.

Copy path using ‘Copy as path’ option

The easiest for us is the ‘Copy as path’ option that is available when you RIGHT click on a folder or file (note that this may not be available in all versions of Windows).

As shown below, when you RIGHT click on the folder (1), you should see a ‘Copy as path’ option (2). Once you have clicked on it, you can paste it anywhere (CTRL + V or right click paste). You can do the same thing with an Excel, text or any other file.

Copy the file paths for folders or files

Copy path via Properties

If you do not have the ‘Copy as path’ option, you can click on the Properties. As shown below, RIGHT click on the folder (1), and click on Properties (2).

Copy the file paths for folders or files

You will see the following. Click on the ‘Security’ tab (1), then highlight the object name (2), and copy (CTRL + C). You can then paste the resultant path anywhere with a CTRL + V. You can do the same thing with a Excel, text or any other file.

Copy the file paths for folders or files

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