Excel for secretaries- material for the Joburg Secretaries Day Conference
Based on our presentation to the Joburg Secretaries Day Conference, we have provided the video links to the training material below. This material is ideal for anyone who wants to learn about Excel for Secretaries and Personal Assistants.
If you have any questions or want more details on how to learn more about Excel, send an email to adrian@AuditExcel.co.za
Excel for Secretaries Presentation Links
As per the presentation, below the numbers relating to the parts of the course that may have interested you (and a few more).
1- Grouping– Grouping columns and rows so that you can drill down into more detail or view only a summary e.g. annual versus monthly details
2- Navigating Excel Cells– how to quickly move around cells and jump between ranges of cells
3- Entering Dates and Times– short cut to putting a date and time stamp onto an Excel file
4- Viewing multiple windows– for comparing different spreadsheets including how to view two sheets from the same spreadsheet at the same time
5- Writing Paragraphs– Tricks in getting paragraphs of text to fit into the columns
6- Bullet Points in Excel- ways to create bullet points in excel
7- Status Bar for Quick info– get a quick sum, average, count, max and min of a group of cells without calculations
8- Text to speech– get excel to read out lists of numbers for you to compare to a document
9- Cleaning up Data– Quick way to remove unwanted rows from a data dump from a client
10- Filling in Blanks – filling in gaps in a report with the contents of the cells above
11- Removing Duplicate Entries– new tool for removing duplicate entries in an Excel database
12- Transpose Cells from Rows into Columns or Columns into Rows– Easily converting rows into columns and columns into rows
13- Converting dates– from US style to South African Style
14- Changing all sheets in one go– how to make cosmetic and formula changes to many sheets in one go
Other video clips you may find useful
Data Validation– how to create drop down lists for use in templates
Protecting cells in a spreadsheet– how to protect certain cells in a spreadsheet to avoid accidental (or malicious) changes
Goalseek to find the best answer– Lets Excel determine what the profit needs to be to achieve a certain level of tax
Auditing Toolbar– a tool to help you follow the logic of a formula
IF function and how to use it– a very important formula for creating conditions within a formula e.g. IF a tax payer is older than 65 do this otherwise that
Show Formula– how to see all the underlying formula or to see the numbers being referred to by the formulas
Watch Window– watch one part of a spreadsheet while you work on another e.g. watch the total tax liability while you capture the income statement
If you want to assess your or your staff’s Excel skills send them to the free Excel Skills Assessments
To find out more about the public or inhouse courses we offer you can visit the Live Excel courses page or the Excel training dates.
We also provide regular tips and tricks via the blog or you can subscribe to our free newsletter.
This and more is available in the training courses we offer. In House courses are also available. Contact adrian@AuditExcel.co.za for more information