As part of our ongoing teaching in the proper use of MS Excel, we have created a free series that will continue to teach you the tips and tricks of MS Excel in 2 minutes per week. Sometimes these will be brand new to you, other times you will be reminded of something you haven’t used in awhile.
Below how to learn the MS Excel hacks in 2 minutes per week.
What the ‘Excel hacks in 2 minutes per week’ contains
The series consists of 52 video clips, all 2 minutes or less, that you can watch on your daily commute, while you are in the lift or on a coffee break! They all show some tip or trick which is (or should be) used regularly and quick enough so that you will know whether it is useful or not.
Use it for yourself or else play the video clips in your staff meetings!
How to access the series
To make it easy to access, we have placed it on our social media platforms. This way you can subscribe and view at will. The clips are released once a week at a regular time.
Subscribe to one or many?
The order of the releases differ for each platform, so if you subscribe to one, you will see the entire series over 52 weeks. If you subscribe to more than one, then you will cover the same content in a shorter time (recommended).
To make it easier to access with your phone, we have included the QR codes. This way you can point your phone at the screen and go straight to the relevant app or apps
AuditExcel YouTube Channel 

Have a look at the AuditExcel YouTube channel (over 2.8k subscribers, 1.7 million views). We have created a playlist called ‘Excel Hacks in 2 minutes per week‘ which contains all the video clips, with new releases on a Thursday.
Subscribe to the channel to see all the 2 minute tips and tricks and new releases. You will be able to access the videos already released.
To access this on your phone, use the adjacent QR code (point your phone at the screen and either via your normal camera or QR scanner, you will be taken directly to this page).
AuditExcel Facebook page 

Have a look at the AuditExcel Facebook page (over 6k subscribers). Follow the page to see the video clips, released on a weekly basis on Mondays.
You will be able to access the videos already released.
To access this on your phone, use the adjacent QR code (point your phone at the screen and either via your normal camera or QR scanner, you will be taken directly to this page).
AuditExcel Instagram page 

Have a look at the AuditExcel Instagram page. Follow the page to see the video clips, released on a weekly basis on Mondays.
You will be able to access the videos already released.
To access this on your phone, use the adjacent QR code (point your phone at the screen and either via your normal camera or QR scanner, you will be taken directly to this page).
AuditExcel Twitter account 

Have a look at the AuditExcel Twitter Account. Follow the page to see the video clips, released on a weekly basis on Tuesdays.
You will be able to access the videos already released.
To access this on your phone, use the adjacent QR code (point your phone at the screen and either via your normal camera or QR scanner, you will be taken directly to this page).
AuditExcel LinkedIn 

Have a look at Adrian Miric’s LinkedIn Account. Connect to us to see the video clips, released on a weekly basis on Tuesdays.
You will be able to access the videos already released.
To access this on your phone, use the adjacent QR code (point your phone at the screen and either via your normal camera or QR scanner, you will be taken directly to this page).