Make Excel columns same widths across sheets

If you need to make Excel columns the same widths across sheets easily (shortcut) then you can make use of the Copy Paste feature. As shown below we want these 2 sheets to have the same column widths especially in columns E,F and G which we want to be very narrow.

Make Excel columns same widths

YouTube Make columns the same widths across sheets

Copy an example row with the widths you want

To do this you need to either go to each column manually and make the columns the same, or the better way is to go to a sheet with the column widths you want (1 below), and copy the cells.

Then on the other sheet click in the start cell and go to the HOME ribbon (2), Paste dropdown (3), and choose Paste Special (4).

Make Excel columns same widths

Paste only the Column Widths, nothing else

Now you can choose to paste ONLY the column Widths as shown below. If you do it this way it ignores what was in the copied cells and only copies the column widths.

Make Excel columns same widths

Make the cursor start on the same cell in each sheet