In several of our recent public courses we have mentioned and shown a bit of what MS Excel’s PowerQuery can do. Due to the amount of people that are interested we are going to run a 1 day PowerQuery in MS Excel course on the 14th June 2018 in Johannesburg. To get more information email
If you don’t know about PowerQuery, it is a new free tool in Microsoft Excel that does all the data clean up you can think of.
It allows you to automate the process so that you can:
- Pull information off a CSV file for example
- Merge it with another CSV file
- Remove the blank rows
- Create a Pivot Table out of it.
Most important, these steps are recorded (like the MS Excel macro recorder) which means next month you can just replay them!
Some other highlights include the ability to merge all spreadsheets in a folder, unpivot reports, append months to each other etc.