Through our contacts we have arranged a discount on you attending the upcoming Financial Modelling Summit where you can earn CPD points while actually learning something useful about spreadsheet best practice.
This summit is relevant whether you think you build financial models or not. If you use Excel, this summit is for you.
23rd-25th June 2021 from anywhere in the world!
Claim you discount
To claim your 20% discount please use the code AUDITEXCEL20 on the Financial Modelling Summit page
What will the Financial Modelling summit cover
This will be for the largest online gathering of the financial modelling community. The 3 day event will cover:
- What to do when you inherit a financial model
- How to Clean up your model junk and share clean insights
- How to build and audit models to ensure errors are minimised
- How to translate the results of analytics into business decisions
- Why the future of visualisation of financial modelling is in Power BI
- How to manage a Financial Modelling Centre of Excellence
- The importance of Storytelling for Financial Modellers