Where has the Text Import Wizard in Excel gone

If you regularly import csv or text files into Excel, you may have noticed that the old tools have disappeared in newer versions of Excel. So, for example, where has the Text Import Wizard in Excel gone?

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Switch Text Import Wizard back on

It may look like it is gone, but the legacy Text Import Wizard is still in the latest versions of Excel. MS are focusing on the new Get&Transform tool for all the ‘getting data’ but sometimes you just need to import some text files quickly.

To switch the Text Import Wizard back on:

  • Click on FILE, then
  • Click on the Options button
  • As shown below, choose Data, and
  • Choose which legacy import wizards you want to switch back on
text import wizard in excel gone

Once you have switched them on, you can find them as shown below in the Data ribbon, under Get Data and the Legacy Wizard buttons.

where has the text import wizard in excel gone

Other Import Wizards that can be switched back on

As can be seen in the images above, the following import wizards can be switched back on. So you can import data from:

  • Access
  • Web
  • Text
  • SQL Server
  • OData Data Feed
  • XML Data Import
  • Data Connection Wizard

Correcting imported numbers which have the wrong decimal symbol

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