Excel for HR Training Course
Become an Excel for HR professional. Learn how to use Microsoft Excel in all your HR and Payroll functions.
Examples covered include:
- Payroll
- Employee performance
- Leave Management
- HR Admin
- Duration : 2 Days
- Skill Level : > 3.5
- All Live Courses
- Online Excel for HR Course
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In order to do this course we recommend a skill level of >3.5 (we offer a free Skills Assessment to make sure you get the correct level of training)
Request info on training dates, prices and venue
Course Outline
- Calculate overtime and overtime pay in one easy step.
- Evaluate performance and monitor productivity with Excel.
- Split names into first-name/ surname or combine them into a single name.
- Highlight above and below average performers.
- Create a leave template to record leave.
- Compare employee details from different systems.
- Calculate the tax deductible amount based on the different salary ranges.
- Protect your employee’s information.
- Calculate commission rates, regular and overtime pay.
- Clean up payroll databases .
- Calculate the number of working days between dates easily.
- Group employees into useful categories
And much, much more!
Feedback & Who Should Attend
- The best Excel course I’ve ever attended. Thanks!- Fanie S. Sun International
- I would recommend the training to other members of consulting- Deloitte’s Consulting
Typical Attendees
- Business owners- You’ll be able to track leave and payroll easier and without wasting time.
- HR managers-You’ll drastically save time in generating your reports, especially if you have to get information from other systems.
- HR assistants –You need an easier way to see all employee’s information and answer any hr related inquiries.
- Payroll managers-You’ll get faster processing time with payroll with easy sure fire ways to minimise errors.
- Payroll assistants-You’ll get easier way to check and reduce errors while working on payroll
Pre Requisite (s)
Excel knowledge required:
- Basic Excel skills
- Opening & closing files
- Moving around the spreadsheet
- Inserting & deleting rows and columns
- Inserting text & formulas
- Deleting cells
- Copying formulas
- Printing
- Basic formulas (+-*/) e.g. =C5+C7+sum(C9:C12), and =D5*D6/12 3. Formatting
- Formatting