Excel for Sales and Marketing

Excel for Sales and Marketing Course

Turning your Sales team into Excel Professionals

Make sure you have the most efficient and effective way to analyse your sales so that you can spend more time on understanding the numbers and less time on creating the numbers!

Get to grips with using Excel in you Sales and Marketing departments.

  • Compare price lists to historical or competitive sources on a product by product basis
  • Include % movement calculations comparing to budget and last year in you sales data
  • Establish what increase in volume will justify what level of price decrease;
  • Link your Excel tender spreadsheets directly to the Word or Powerpoint tender documents
  • Highlight your average and below average products or sales people with a click of a button; and
  • Easily look up client’s information from different databases to remove duplicate content.

Is this the correct course for your needs? Use this quick ‘Which Excel Course should I do‘ questionnaire to establish which course is correct for you.

Course Outline

  • Accessing Excel Functions so that you can find the functions that will help you in the shortest amount of time
  • Understanding Excel formulas to know when to use a VLOOKUP to calculate commissions and when to use an IF function.
  • The uses of the IF function for determining regular versus volume pricing and more.
  • Tips and Tricks with Excel for Sales to save time and effort in your day to day excel work
  • How errors happen in spreadsheets in order to avoid them
  • Consolidating price lists or sales performance in a spreadsheet to save you time with repetitive copy and paste
  • Comparing sales to historical results to spot trends and opportunities
  • Add graphics to visualise what your sales information is saying
  • Running Sensitivities in Excel to see what happens if circumstances changes, e.g. how much volume is required to justify a discount?
  • Cleaning up data received from sales or other systems for analysis and comparison.
  • How to join databases from different sales systems/ price lists together compare pricing, historical results or product categories
  • Understand how dates work in Excel to calculate working days between dates to determine sale days.

Detailed Excel for sales and marketing course outline:

Day 1

  • How errors happen in models and how to avoid them
  • Essential Excel Knowledge
    • Following formulas
    • IF function
    • Absolute and Relative referencing ($ signs)
  • Short Cuts, Tips and Tricks
  • Importing data into a model
  • Data Cleanup using the Data Autofilter, Advanced Filter and Duplicate remover
  • GOTO Special tool for working with cells
  • Using the text to column tool
  • Working with imported text data
  • Handling Dates in your models

Day 2

  • Manipulating the data
  • High level overview of what can be done with Pivot Tables
  • Reporting results
    • Linking spreadsheets to Word and Powerpoint
    • Conditional Formatting
    • Sparklines
    • High Level Graphing

Feedback & Who Should Attend

  • I was blown away by how much I didn’t know! I have wasted literally years doing things manually on Excel which I now realise are easily solved in minutes. Thank you Adrian for making my life easier!- Karin- Merck Pharmaceuticals
  • Recently we had a most successful in-house training session at our company.  I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude towards De Wet, who hosted the Excel Advanced course.  The course content was exactly what we were looking for and even the additional information that we were looking for was included. The training material is great as we were given CD’s as well as a training manual and this makes for easy reference wherever we are.  The Excel Advanced course is one that I can truly recommend!- Gill L- Lonmin

Typical Attendees

Sales representatives, sales managers, sales executives or team leaders who need to learn how to manage a sales team and anyone who deals with sales and marketing in their work related tasks.

Pre Requisite (s)

Knowledge required for the Excel for Sales and Marketing Course:

  1. Basic Excel skills
  • Opening & closing files
  • Moving around the spreadsheet
  • Inserting & deleting rows and columns
  • Inserting text & formulas
  • Deleting cells
  • Copying formulas
  • Printing
  1. Basic formulas (+-*/) e.g. =C5+C7+sum(C9:C12), and =D5*D6/12 3. Formatting
  2. Formatting