Change Chart Legend

How to customise the legend in an Excel chart.

Change Chart Legend

The Chart Legend, normally situated over here, makes it easier to understand what is happening in the chart, especially if there is more than one item.

You can customize it, click on it, right click and say Format Legend and you get these options. Now these ones, Fill, Border Colour, Style, Shadow are pretty standard. The unique item here is called Legend Options and you’ll see you can specify where the Legend should appear – so maybe you want it to appear at the top and you’ll see it has moved here. Bottom – it is now shown at the bottom. Left, Right, Top Right. You can also see you can choose whether the Legend is allowed to overlap the chart or not. If I tick it off, you’ll see now the Legend fills in there. Be aware as well that you are not constrained by only those options If you hover over it and get it to change to the little four arrows, click and you can drag it wherever you want to on your chart.