Copy sheet in Excel

How to create an exact copy sheet in excel so that everything is exactly the same.

Copy sheet in Excel

Sometimes you may want to create an exact copy of a sheet within a spreadsheet. Now if you use copy, paste, it doesn’t always work correctly especially around the widths of columns and rows. In order to do a copy sheet in Excel you need to do the following

So what we can do is if we go to the sheet and right click and it will give you an option called move or copy. Click on it. You’ll see it tells you all the books that are currently open and you’ll see there is an option here for “new book” and then its got all the sheets that are currently in the spreadsheet it has found. So you can say, well at the moment I’ve set it up to move or I can create a copy so let’s do this – create a copy. We then say well, where we are going to create a copy- either within the same work book or else in a new book. But what I am going to do is I’m going to create it for this same work book. I for example am going to put it just before this sheet here. Then I say ok. You’ll see it has created the exact copy its just put a (2) at the end of it. You have now got the exact same sheet. A short cut of doing this is if you hold your control key down – click on the sheet and hold the control key down, you click and then you move either to the left or right wherever you want it to go and you let go and you will see now we have created a third exact copy of the sheet.