Excel 2010 new features

Excel 2010 new features including sparklines and how some of the old tools have been changed and improved.

Excel 2010 New Features

Provides quick training on some of Excel 2010 new features.

Areas covered include

  • sparklines (ability to include a mini graph in a cell- useful for data visualisation and dashboards),
  • new abilities in
    • data validation (link to other sheets),
    • conditional formatting (link to other sheets and new icons), and the
    • data autofilter (easier method to search for data).

Also shows how the  Paste Special now works with an instant preview and the new ribbon features which allows for a customised ribbon of your favorite Excel 2010 tools.

Finally some of the updated date functions related to Net working days and work day functions which allow weekends to be something other than Saturday and Sunday e.g. the weekend could be a Friday and Saturday or even just one day e.g. a Monday.