Pivot chart

How to create a pivot chart from a pivot table.

Pivot chart

Pivot Tables for Excel 2007Pivot tables also allow you to graph the reports and the data very easily.

For example, here we have got a simple report, you will see we have pulled through the bill, we have grouped it, in groups of five and we have a total for the bill and at the moment we are doing all types and all destination networks. To get it into a graph you simply click anywhere in the Pivot Table, you go to the Pivot Table ribbon and you’ll see under Options there is something called Pivot Chart. When I click Pivot Chart, all it asks is What type of Chart to you want? So for now let’s choose a Column chart and when I say OK, you’ll notice it draws a chart. With charts and a pivot table it is important to understand that these two are linked so whatever you do to one will happen to the other. So, for example, if I come to my pivot table, just watch what happens to the chart and if I change my destination network to be, for example, Vodacom- watch the chart – I say OK- notice that the chart has changed as well. I will change it again to Cell C – say OK and again you’ll see it changes. So these two are linked completely – if you click on the chart you’ll see there is a new listing here. If you want you can change at this level – and again in this case we are changing the chart and watch what happens to the pivot table. Notice that the pivot table has changed as well.

Besides that charts can do exactly the same as normal graphs and charts in Excel as was shown in our other charting course. You can highlight any one of the aspects of the chart and format it if you want. You can change the chart types. Just be aware when you click on the chart you have this new item but also in the ribbon there is a new tab called Pivot Chart Tools. This is pretty similar to the charting ribbon available in normal charts but just note that the Switch Row and Column button is not operational. There is a good reason for it and it is important to understand. Occasionally you may drop a pivot table and perhaps you prefer it to go that way. However when you chart it then maybe it doesn’t look as nice as it should. So you need to realize that occasionally you are going to have to change the pivot table in such a way that maybe it doesn’t look nice as a report but it looks better as a graph.